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Tacen’s Analysis: Crypto Companies are Job Creators

Written by
Logan Smith
Published on
February 9, 2023

The cryptocurrency industry is a rapidly growing sector that seems to combine bits and pieces from various other industries, including finance, security, computer science, data analytics, legal, marketing, human resources, and public relations, plus many more. To put it another way: the cryptocurrency industry employs many thousands of people around the world, and that number is only expected to grow in the coming years.

On top of this, the cryptocurrency industry offers one of the most attractive work environments for workers. Most cryptocurrency companies are known for offering work-from-home employment contracts, respectful wages, and supportive employee benefits. This has helped the cryptocurrency industry to enjoy a meteoric rise in recent years as one of the most sought-after industries to work in.

Many cryptocurrency companies are waging a bidding war for talent – increasingly attempting to outpace each other in the number and value of the job offers they extend to experienced workers. While well intentioned, this also results in an employment arms race, as companies must devote increasingly large parts of their budget to salaries, incentives, and bonuses. Workers may enjoy this, but it’s rarely sustainable in any industry.

From our point of view, this is a mistake. Cryptocurrency companies that move to Silicon Valley, lease an expensive and trendy office space, and compete with each other for Bay Area located talent may not be getting the most out of their money. Sure, very talented people live in San Francisco, or New York, or other major tech hubs – but high levels of talent can be found across America and around the world, too. Why do we need to geolocate our employees to one highly expensive area?

At Tacen, we’re proud to say that when we set up shop in Cheyenne, Wyoming, we also began to hire locally. While we do employ people from other states and other countries, we also understand that training up a workforce where we are located is an excellent way to create jobs, give back to our local economy, and establish goodwill with regulators.

That last part is especially important. If cryptocurrency companies hope to see positive, helpful legislation coming out of Washington and out of their state government, then they should be making every effort to be seen as job creators. Elected representatives have to answer to their constituents, and few things make everyday Americans happier than having a well-paying and long-lasting job to earn a living at. Cryptocurrency companies that create jobs and give back to local economies will help steer American policy in the right direction.

Working outside of SF or NYC is simply cheaper, too.

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