Tacen Exchange
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Tacen Swap vs Tacen Exchange vs TXA Staking – What’s the difference?

Written by
Logan Smith
Published on
September 8, 2023

The teams at Project TXA and Tacen worked together to bring you not one, not two, but three different products – all built off of Decentralized Settlement Layer (DSL) framework. Tacen Swap, Tacen Exchange, and TXA Staking are cutting edge ways to use your cryptocurrency, but what’s the relationship between them? When should you use one versus another?

In this guide, we’ll break down the differences between these products, explain how they’re related, and let you know when you should use what.

Project TXA’s Decentralized Settlement Layer

Everything being done at Tacen hinges on Project TXA’s decentralized settlement layer (DSL), which is a network that powers cross-chain settlements while enabling users to retain custody of their digital assets. The DSL is what the hybrid decentralized exchange (hDEX) environment uses to operate, and the hDEX is what powers Tacen Swap and Tacen Exchange.

Tacen Swap vs Tacen Exchange – how are they different?

The best way to understand the difference between these two products is to look at this quick table:

An important point to keep in mind is that Tacen Exchange does everything that Tacen Swap can do, plus more. Tacen Swap’s advantage is that it’s probably a little simpler, which can be reassuring for people who are newcomers to cryptocurrency, or just need to make a quick swap to take advantage of a fluctuating price point.

If you want to make a quick swap from one token to another, use Tacen Swap.

If you want to do in-depth analysis, access the orderbook directly, or do more complex trading activities, use Tacen Exchange.

What is TXA Staking – how does that fit into the picture?

Staking on the TXA network is truly unique. It allows TXA holders to be rewarded for validating the network, giving you income for the ways that you contribute to the DSL. The interest earned through staking TXA is variable, but could possibly rise to 170% at times, depending on exchange volume and other factors.

Here are some quick facts to keep in mind to better understand the value of TXA Staking:


As you can see, Project TXA and Tacen have worked together closely to bring you a suite of DeFi products that offer you better and safer ways to trade, while also providing you with an opportunity to passively earn income. We see this as a routine to the non-custodial, permissionless, trustless roots of DeFi, and we can’t wait for the rest of the world to discover what we’ve been building.

If you’re already reading this, congratulations! You’re very, very early.

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